I like how you made nice pictures for the tutorial, but the fishing game should mention that when you click LMB to pull a fish higher, the A-D counter holding doesn't work, and the fish will flee if you do it too close to the edges.
Wizard dancing game should say something about what highscore do I need to get to the next level.
Not sure if goblin tower defence is solvable? You get so little cash, and I am not sure if the tower's strength grow too, or only their range.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the fishing minigame. Clicking LMB shouldn't effect the horizontal movement at all. In this .gif, I'm mashing LMB nonstop while also holding down A/D.
At this time, the Wizard Dance mode doesn't have a minimum score for moving to the next level. As long as you finish one level, you should unlock the next one. If this didn't happen, then it sounds like you found a bug.
The trick with the Tower Defense mode is to place the weapons in spots where they can attack multiple times, like corners, or between paths. There are currently three weapons, one with a normal range and normal damage, one with a much larger range and higher damage but longer cooldown, and one with a very small range and low damage, but a much faster cooldown. You're definitely right that this needs to be communicated better; updating the UI is on my todo list, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
I like the idea of a minigame collection about medieval shenanigans. I'd appreciate a more consistent control scheme, though. With more options for buttons, like using space for the fishing minigame.
And the rhytmn one needs work too, it doesn't feel like the notes sync up to the music, and the feedback is subpar. Be careful of making the first rhytmn gtame levels too hard, as they can feel impossible for some people.
Overall, keep at it and good luck on your project!
Thanks for the feedback! Let me ask, what type of audio device are you using? So far, I've only tested the rhythm game mode using wireless headphones and wired headphones. Whenever I use wireless, there is a small but noticeable desynch, but it goes away once I switch to wired.
Wired Speakers. You may wnat to look into some plugins or code that deals well with audio desync. It's a common issue in gamedev, and there's ways to address it.
Besides almost getting my ears blown out at the menu before turning the volume down, Kino storytelling. I would like if when you failed a minigame you didn't have to read everything again and instead it just restart said minigame.
Hey, thanks for playing! You can press Esc and then Space to skip the cutscenes. and yes, those will all get replaced with proper artwork someday lmao.
Not a whole lot of changes since last DD (life has been getting in the way of devving). There's a new game mode (Simon Sayeth), some new sprites and cutscenes, the main menu and map have been redone, and there have been a few minor gameplay tweaks here and there. If you played this game during DD60, you probably won't notice a whole lot of changes since then.
These minigames are pretty merciless.
I like how you made nice pictures for the tutorial, but the fishing game should mention that when you click LMB to pull a fish higher, the A-D counter holding doesn't work, and the fish will flee if you do it too close to the edges.
Wizard dancing game should say something about what highscore do I need to get to the next level.
Not sure if goblin tower defence is solvable? You get so little cash, and I am not sure if the tower's strength grow too, or only their range.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the fishing minigame. Clicking LMB shouldn't effect the horizontal movement at all. In this .gif, I'm mashing LMB nonstop while also holding down A/D.
At this time, the Wizard Dance mode doesn't have a minimum score for moving to the next level. As long as you finish one level, you should unlock the next one. If this didn't happen, then it sounds like you found a bug.
The trick with the Tower Defense mode is to place the weapons in spots where they can attack multiple times, like corners, or between paths. There are currently three weapons, one with a normal range and normal damage, one with a much larger range and higher damage but longer cooldown, and one with a very small range and low damage, but a much faster cooldown. You're definitely right that this needs to be communicated better; updating the UI is on my todo list, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Thank you for playing!
I like the idea of a minigame collection about medieval shenanigans. I'd appreciate a more consistent control scheme, though. With more options for buttons, like using space for the fishing minigame.
And the rhytmn one needs work too, it doesn't feel like the notes sync up to the music, and the feedback is subpar. Be careful of making the first rhytmn gtame levels too hard, as they can feel impossible for some people.
Overall, keep at it and good luck on your project!
Thanks for the feedback! Let me ask, what type of audio device are you using? So far, I've only tested the rhythm game mode using wireless headphones and wired headphones. Whenever I use wireless, there is a small but noticeable desynch, but it goes away once I switch to wired.
Wired Speakers. You may wnat to look into some plugins or code that deals well with audio desync. It's a common issue in gamedev, and there's ways to address it.
Besides almost getting my ears blown out at the menu before turning the volume down, Kino storytelling. I would like if when you failed a minigame you didn't have to read everything again and instead it just restart said minigame.
Hey, thanks for playing! You can press Esc and then Space to skip the cutscenes. and yes, those will all get replaced with proper artwork someday lmao.
Not a whole lot of changes since last DD (life has been getting in the way of devving). There's a new game mode (Simon Sayeth), some new sprites and cutscenes, the main menu and map have been redone, and there have been a few minor gameplay tweaks here and there. If you played this game during DD60, you probably won't notice a whole lot of changes since then.