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Will AI Always Undermine Democracy?View project page

Submitted by Julia Favoni
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  • Big fan of making open source / highly transparent governments a thing. E.g. the economic models of Denmark are now becoming more and more open source, which is absolutely wonderful. If we can ensure the same happens with the use of AI and maybe even enhance this, it's a good opportunity. Very nice to bring in good researchers' work on democracies and adapting their views to a future with AI. There is quite a risk in these open source AI systems since others can use them for illicit actions or to exploit democratic systems' AI but it seems like there's potential in there to also ensure the public scrutiny of these systems and their actions. Open Government is just a very very interesting and innovative approach. It would be great to see you develop this into a blog post or something similar and publish it online for all to see. This is a good analysis.

What are the full names of your participants?
Danillo Moura Gonçalves, Renata Santos Miranda, Júlia Favoni Piovezani, João Paulo Pereira da Silva, Bruno Vieira

Which case is this for?

Where will AI fit into the democratic system?

Which jam site are you at?

Sao Paulo

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