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Data TaxationView project page

Slowing down AGI progress by taxing usage of data for training large models
Submitted by PerIvarFrib — 2 hours, 5 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Judge's choice#1n/an/a

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • "- Great idea! Never heard it before, even though it's fairly obvious. - It would probably slow, not pause, progress. - How to enforce this for small actors with their own hardware? - How to enforce this globally? Perhaps this would create tax havens, where model training is almost free? - I like that it doesn't do damage to smaller AI projects - I like that the raised funds can be used for other good purposes. Really like the section on this, and on the political side, as well. - In general worked out in detail, and good points made throughout the proposal. - Fits the idea of simple regulation, but worked out in detail, very well. Like the formula too. - One point of criticism: perhaps AGI xrisk is more of a discontinuous function, rather than a linear one? Your proposal would quite heavily tax half a GDP-4, while xrisk might be very low. Perhaps tax should stay low for longer, and then go up steeply? - I guess one of the following could happen: either the tax is high enough for large companies to stop development. Then it's equivalent to a moratorium. Or the tax is low enough for large companies to continue development. Then it won't slow them down much. - I really like the report. I also like the simplicity and elegance of the proposal."

What are the full names of your participants?
Joshua Sammet, Per Ivar Friborg, William Wale.

What is your team name?
The Optimists

Which case is this for?

Policy for pausing AGI progress

Which jam site are you at?


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