You can use this space to talk about your submission!
Are you working on something new? Do you intend to submit a tabletop game that is done already? Tell us about it.
I am currently making a small minimalistic mini-TTRPG. In my honest opinion, it is with its insides and outsides, an anarchistic game. Games' name is "Kill your Dreams RPG". The game states: "Capitalism murders".
I am going to submit my game, in both 12-Word RPG and also in this Anarchy Jam. Hopefully, it is ok that I submit in both Jams. The game fits in both and I really do enjoy and love these both Jams.
A screen caption of the front/title page.... It's Work in process, but wanted to share it with you, anyways :-)
I have submitted You're a RATGIRL and You're a Hero, which were created for the ongoing 12-Word RPG Jam, but I believe fit as the former is confronting my trauma from my experiences as someone who does not fit in with my family's and societies views on how we should be and think (it's also a kinda statement of principles for myself going forward creating things under, with and for RatGrrrl, and the the latter is about Self ID, a fundamental aspect of freedom and self actualisation.
If they don't seem appropriate let me know.
I do also plan to work on some specifically for this too!
I honestly think that your material in general totally fits well on this Jam. RATGIRL and You're Hero -games totally fit in the Jam. I am not a curator or anything on this Jam. But this is my Honest take as a fellow Jammer. And as a person who has been very active and involved, most of her life, in anarcha feminism and queer activism.
And I am so happy that I managed to do what I promised earlier on this thread. I really made the game and I submitted it in both 12-Word RPG Jam and also in this Anarchy Jam. I am very excited. Also, very proud of what I was able to make. At least to me it is a bit different than most of the RPG stuff floating around, it's cool, witty, and funny. I honestly think that and that's the basic reaction that I got from people who saw this before it got published. Hopefully You all Cool Fascinating people in this Jam and generally in, like this as much as I liked making it.
I wish You all a great play session!
I've got another submission that was originally written for the 12 word game jam. :P
I'm not entirely sure you can completely call 'remember matches' a proper rpg, but I think it fits the theme at least.
Bonfires are a way of celebrating, they provide hope, warmth and light. Ever since I can remember its been something I associate with people coming together - informaly with friends and drinks, or as big public events. Its symbol of community and friends. On the flipside I've also had people new to the neighbourhood seeing them as hostile and threatening to report us to the police... so theres a wee bit of defiance in there too.
Now the role play bit is simple. Stick a few people who like roleplaying around a fire and they'll roleplay/improvise. No rules needed! :P
I am making progress on Hierarchies of Circles, a collection of anarchist 12-Word RPGs and stuff! I shared some WIP and discussed it here.
Also, I kind of accidentally entered Cuplets (Open Edition), a collection of libations for the Comprehensive Universal Poem System, CUPS, while trying to enter it in the the Forever Open Source Jam (which everyone should enter their games in too!). While it is not explicitly about anarchism, there are some encounters, NPCs and items that absolutely carry the theme of opposing authority, particularly in the CROWN acrostic item:
Circlet of authority
Ruin befell former
Woe to foul
Anyways, if you don't think it's appropriate for this jam, let me know and I'll retract it.
Love, support and solidarity x