game files up winner of the predatory monetization prize for an auction house that i cant run anymore (3am infra) credits: Justin Cai, Raymond Xu: game programmers Annabelle Zhang: Art Ari Zukerman: auction programmer Charmaine Guo: Project...
Duck Duck is a platformer puzzle game where you use the rising water to help you collect the rubber duckies in a shipwreck! Controls: WASD/Arrow keys - Move Space - Jump P - Raise the water R - Reset the level Created by Samay, Sofia, and H...
Full game coming soon on Steam! A Sokoban game where the blocks stick together and expand as you push them. You are trying to get your player into the yellow goal. This project will be added upon, so if you are interested in further develop...
Made at AngelHacks 3.0 by Alex , Carl , Diego , Salar , Yancheng , Zach . You can skip the intro/outro by pressing space. I'm not sure why the intro and outro don't work on the web version. Try downloading it?