Its a disaster! The ASCII Blocks have gone everywhere! Catch them at the bottom of the screen - but make sure you collect them in alphabetical order or its game over! A simple entry into the ASCII Basic 10 Liner game jam. Written on the ZX...
This game is for the Oric Atmos, a UK 8bit home computer from 1983 and was made for the ASCII BASIC Game 10Liner Jam. Game is simple - your bomber is running out of fuel and needs to land but there is a derelict city in the way. Use your bo...
10 lines, 72 characters per line, ascii characters only - they said it couldn't be done! And, maybe, it couldn't - but here's my attempt at an aliens shoot-em-up for the Dragon 32 within those restrictions.
For some reason, you thought it really was a good idea to take your robot exosuit into that deep dark hole. It couldn't possibly be infinite could it? And if there's as much energy down there as your scanner says there is, you could be set...