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Check in!

A topic by Marx of High Water created Jun 23, 2020 Views: 190 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 6

We've got just six days left to run in the jam. How are we looking? Do we need an extension? Are we going to get some cool games launched?

I encourage you to check out the submissions to date. They're all very awesome!


I literally just started.

On second thought, maybe this isn't the right jam for me.


We're doing our best to wrap up our game in time - and we probably will, but an extension would surely be appreciated so we can playtest it enough to make sure everything is working the way we intended! Turns out dethroning God can be a lot of work...

And the submissions all look very interesting!! We're looking forward to playing them once we're done with our project (because, again, we're really running against the clock here)!


I've extended the deadline by a week to give everyone a chance to finalise their games as much as possible!

I'm so excited to share all of these submissions with the community. So much good stuff has been created, I'm stoked!

Appreciated!  I've been quiet but I've been silently working on my game in the background and I could use the extra time.