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A topic by Giagua created Oct 14, 2020 Views: 218 Replies: 4
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my unity experience is poor. i am 12 years old and i am learning c# (i now i am crazy, because do a game jam without experience is crazy... but i have few ideas!)

(1 edit)

Same, even though I have some c# experience, I absolutely suck at Unitys C#. Mainly the reason why I don't join game jams.
(I do have some Unity experience tho, hmu)

I'm currently making my own game but I can help you. What are you looking for specifically?

(I haven't been doing unity for too long, 2 months maybe, but I have some jams done. Them games are on my itch page)

I suggest you to download Godot...

I am a 14 year old...

Godot is easy to understand and to learn

And this is my second Game jam...


Godot is great. I almost restarted my project because of all the unreasonable bugs Unity was throwing at me. I decided to try using the LTS instead of their most recent release though and everything is working infinitely better.