I had a really great time with this game. It's simple enough to pick up quickly, though I did forget a few rules like damaged enemies dying regardless of remaining health, which led to me having a tough time in the first half. Fortunately I pulled through after rereading it and managed to win on normal difficulty. Overall it was very fun and I'd recommend it.
I approached this game not sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised by how tactical the allocation of resources are, on many rounds I sat very enthusiastically solving the puzzle of how I can kill the most things to the boss while tanking just enough to not die. At first I thought stamina dice were far better than cards as they can be used on either colour and also for dodging, but then I realised there is an intricate balance between them as the cards have more damage potential as well as being able to keep them in hand.
This makes me very excited for future playthroughs in which I will try levelling different combinations of dice and cards. I was also impressed with how soulslike the gameplay loop felt, dealing some damage, taking a huge hit and dodging away to heal. As a student game developer I am very happy to see such thorough immersive gameplay from what appears to be so simple on the surface.
I picked up a physical copy of this a while back, I found the presentation hugely inspiring!