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Throwing my hat into the ring

A topic by AlexFanmade created Mar 14, 2022 Views: 231 Replies: 4
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Hello fellow participants I'm a new member who has a great talent in 2D drawing and animation and loves using a restricted color pallet. If you want to learn more here's my portfolio

Your art is impressive! I'm studying game design and have experience with Game Maker and Unity if you're looking for team members. 


your game making skills is remarkable i did a quick demo of Drift King Death Machine. I think the two of us could work very well  together. would like to exchange Discord codes to discus more?

Deleted 2 years ago

Hey folks! I don't know if you're looking to expand your team a bit, but I'm very into coding, have a lot of experience in writing software for tech companies, but not an ace at game design. I've worked with unity amateurly for the past 4 years, so I know my way around the engine at an average level. Let me know if both of you would be interested. I'm just trying this jam stuff to get more experience and also start a portfolio in game development, and not as much academic or back end stuff.

well why not this is my first time as well how about i give you a freind request on Discord and we can try to make a group for now though let's try to introduce ourselves