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Done. Have a piece

A topic by Jadegenius created Jan 27, 2021 Views: 171 Replies: 4
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Submitted (1 edit)

Finally submitted it.  Hope i find time to make it bigger.

would love your take on it...


Well, nice one. I liked it!  Nice lightning job too, I enjoyed the game until I got stuck...

I couldn't get out of here, is it because I'm small, or you need to fix the environment? if I remember, it happened on level 3. Not so sure... I tried to get out, but impossible hah... or maybe I just missed some mechanics. Anyway well done!


I made that on purpose since the game has no real enemies or a way to loose at a level. U can restart by pressing R. Really thanks for playing and your feedback


Really cool game, the lighting looks very nice :)

Neat shrink/grow mechanic too, fun to play.

Only critique is concerning the movement, it seems like you can't jump unless you are mostly on solid ground.

I'm guessing you're checking for the floor with a raycast centered on the character pointed down?

Maybe add a second raycast and put them at the left and right edges of the player pointed down so you can jump any time you're on a ledge.

I may also be completely wrong about how you're detecting the floor :D

Just a thought,  it's really solid game!


thanks a lot for the feedback. Yes I am only checking the center bottom for floor. I tried adding another one but I got errors so I thought I should upload a basic version first.

Thanks for such valuable feedback