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What are General Use Assets?

A topic by Lanyard created 32 days ago Views: 98 Replies: 2
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Hey, I'm thinking about participating in this jam, but I need a clarification on the rules

"General use assets are fine"

I've not heard the term General Use before, so I'm not sure what this means. Only free assets? Is it shorthand for "Generally speaking"? Does it mean things other than art, more system shorthands like a set of scene transitions?

It's too vague for me to understand! A clarification would be much appreciated. 👍

(1 edit)

Yes I had the same question.  I wanted to use art/model packs.  I'm a  solo designer/programmer and rely purely on assets.


Hi, sorry if this was too unclear! To put it simply, I use the term 'General Use' to refer to anything that is not heavily dependent on an already existing project. Taking a basic movement script from a pre-made game or using online art assets is completely fine, but taking art, sound or scripting that was specifically intended for another project isn't. (ie: don't use the sprites from a character you've created for a completely separate game, or re-use a script that applies to a specific in-game mechanic)