Hey developers,
I am in search of talented artists, programmers, and composers to work together in the Brackey's Game Jam 2025.1. I am a rather talented developer myself, however I specialize in programming and therefore I am in search for other strong developers. I have four years of experience in Unity, and I am a certified Unity Programmer and Artist. (Credential codes: Artist uNsF-XMKr | Programmer uTah-XMSo | Authorization Link: https://certiport.com/portal/pages/credentialverification.aspx)
Looking for both 2D and 3D artists. Preferably with an amount of experience, however I would be more than happy to work with newer artists, as Game Jams are perfect for developing your skills. For 3D, Blender is preferred; it is open source and, most importantly, free.
I'm searching for talented programmers, specifically in C#. However, similarly to the Artists, I am very open to working with new developers.
Composition is the subject I am least informed on, and because of this I am in search of individuals with a passion for sound design. Looking for talent in SFX as well as music tracks for the game we build together.
Reach out to me regarding any interest in forming a team, my primary objective is to cultivate a group and build an amazing game, as well as share our knowledge between each other to improve our individual skills.