Can you beat the streamers scores at Angry Shepherd?
Our game has been played quite a few times by awesome gamers on Twitch! Kudos to them!
All the links to the streams are here:
- ategondev
- gayplayvideogames (this one seems offline)
- nickbdawg
- QuantumCortex
- emperor_pancake240
- invadium
Some of them have literally obliterated my own score.
The score is based on the wave you reached and the total gold you earned.
I'm sure some of you are scorers who like to try hard in the games. :)
A little reminder on how to play :
You can chase the flies with a swatter to push them away before they eat your animals.
Hold your right click to charge a rocket to kill the flies, NOT your animals.
Fighting flies with a rocket launcher, WHAT COULD GO WRONG?