Well, basically I spent the first days chilling out and when I came back I got fever, so I did evreything on the last day and we all know how bad that can be. Here I Will put what I had done, even thought I couldnt finish it at all. I
What I did, was a procedural generated map in where you, the gigant had to trample into the holes that this worms made, while the map moved forward and your movement was a diablo-type game (which worked out to be pretty easy to make), but unlikely I coudnt finish it, atleast I did made some of this procedurally generated maps
I am writing this becouse is the 3rd fck… gameJam I coudnt finish, so at least I wanted to show something.
Now I Will try some of the game that you did finish…
Also, you coudnt walk throught the wáter, and some centipedes were going to go against you.