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Looking for a 2D artist lad

A topic by HawKyre created Jul 20, 2020 Views: 148 Replies: 2
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Hey there! We're a team of 2 people, programmer and musician, each with around 2-3 years of experience in our fields. We're looking for someone to help us out with 2D art for the jam, preferably pixel artist. This is our second jam so far and we're eager to take part, but we need someone to help us out with them visuals. Thanks for reading!

Deleted 149 days ago

Hey if you want to join us we are almost full we only need a 2D artist for environment (other than animation) so if you are interested contact me : NeaX #5694


Hey! Sorry for not responding before, but I wouldn't mind seeing your work, be it pixel-art or "flully-like", that sounds interesting as well! Send me a message at hawkyre#8081 in Discord and we can talk there :D