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A topic by Satyam Mishra created Feb 14, 2021 Views: 257 Replies: 6
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I am very nervous about my game jam, i had wasted my whole day searching for ideas.

have you come up with anything yet?

Yes, but I think it is not the best one.

Here are some of my ideas that i didn't decide to go with. If you want to you could do one of these instead. But if you want to come up with your own ideas and get stuck then i would recommend taking a walk or something to clear the head and maybe get inspired by things around you in real life.

*A disease gets stronger the more it infects 

*Horror like game about someone absorbing other pepoles souls to become stronger

*A game about the protests showing the power of alot of pepole


Good luck!


I think that the disease idea has popped to anyone's mind...