I'm new to the game dev field and currently studying unity!!! And I have 26 days!!! If I can study the full unity, I'll create my game in scratch. Else make in Scratch.org. Can we use other software anyway???
Hey! If you're saying, we could hire him too!!! 2 coders are better than 1!! It also encourage in collabrating with everyone! Plz note that type your email here and sent a hi on my email so that we can collaborate. And musicians in a group, coders in a group, artist is only 1 so he can talk with me!!! Musicians and coders in discord (share what you've disscussed to me) and stop using this page! When the jam starts, everyone can see what is our plan! got it!
And when I get the theme, I'll surely make the story as soon as i get the theme!
For everyone's information, I've created a server for our team discussion in Discord. And I've requested @Computer_Crafty and he joined. We're just planned that if you don't join before tomorrow, I'm sorry but you're not welcome. So please join in the server https://discord.gg/jpCzaDEtFr.
Plz join before ISD 12:00 A.M (Midnight in India and Afternoon in Pacific)
(Head, Storyboard)
hello guys... for the 100 th time i'm saying to fanux and lonesometown to please join. we've madea discord server and the link: https://discord.gg/7WtqwQX5tU
plz join