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first game jam looking for teamates!

A topic by sunflower_l0ver created Aug 21, 2021 Views: 229 Replies: 7
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hey im a music and sound artist looking for a coder, programmer and designer

discord: just say E people#479


I can be the programmer I use unity and have most experience in 3d. I am 14 and live in the netherlands. But i can speak english. I can only not work on the project on the first day.

me too


(1 edit)

Hi, I love programming so if you haven't found anyone or want any extra then invite me :)

I think you missed a number in your discord tag

Hey, i would love to come work with you. This is also my first ever Game Jam i cant really make good music xD if you want to work with me just message me on Discord. I really hope we can work something out :D    Discord: JanTheGameDev#7205