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Unity 2D/3D game developer looking for a team

A topic by FortySix created Feb 10, 2022 Views: 224 Replies: 5
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after 3 game jams and multiple prototypes, I wanted to participate a 4th time! I'm using Unity 5 and know both 2D and 3D game development, although I'm still in school and so on won't be able to be programming 24/7.

Open for a team needing a/another developer! 

Hello! I have participated in 3 game jams too, and this is gonna be my 4th time (aswell) i do pixel art, and i have been programming 2d in Unity for 2 years and i have school so like you said i cant be 24/7. Here is my discord if you'll like to team up :D or idk just tell me here in itch: Alxo_Seal#9179

Srry for my english

I speak spanish, but im learning sooo..


Sent a friend request :)

Oops, I think i declined it ;--;

I Use Blender, For 3D-