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Game Maker Project

A topic by Michel440 created Feb 19, 2022 Views: 235 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hi. I'm a Game Maker 8.1 developer and I am looking for an artist. The thing is this: First I see the game jam topic, then make a small protoype with basic art, and then I will share the prototype with an artist to improve the game graphics and talk about the game to add and improve mechanics. Thanks.


Uhhh.....What? I don't know what is that. Also I need a few game ideas

(3 edits)

Hey! I can draw for you. I can do almost any type of style. I also have experience in story writing. (Also any requirements? Ex. Age, How long I've been doing art/games/story)


Sorry for not answering, shure you can help! If you still want