I've been playing a few games and there are some games which just aren't being rated but I feel that they deserve some more recognition.
I'll be adding more as the voting period goes on and as I play more.
Upvoting this post would be appreciated so more people can see this post and play these games.
Together Alone - https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1680934 By gottinn
Funny, well designed and super polished. A great, challenging puzzle platformer
RGB Disorder https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1681084 - By selmecitom
Fun and innovative mechanics of switching between 3 characters to solve puzzles
ChiefChicken and The Believer https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1671802 - By a team of 4
Super fun game with well designed levels, a great local co-op idea. Also UNREAL ENGINE!
Rosa's Curse https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1677825 - by RockyMullet
...Wow... just... wow. Most polished, most fun, most... wow game so far.
Ordinary Day https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1678526 - By LateNightStudios
'Granny baked you some cookies' A great little creepy horror game. I enjoyed the hunt a bit too much doing running commentary... I don't record.
Insomnia https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1679973 - By Rebourtino
What an amazingly polished creepy story game. So good, with pseudo audio dialogue, a good followable plot. I didn't think a maze game would be fun.