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Disqualification request

A topic by Dorkfishie created Sep 18, 2023 Views: 427 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Hello. I would like it if MakeNoSense was disqualified because of it ripping off another game's level design. The original game was called Reversal Rooms, and it can be played here. Play MakeNoSense and Reversal Rooms at the same time, and you'll see what I mean.


WOW. They blocked me from commenting on both the page itself AND the ratings...


What do you mean they blocked you?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

They don't allow me to see the comments on that entry anymore, unless I log out.

This is what I see on the page, currently:

(P.S: They're also deleting comments calling them out for their thievery, including the original creator of Reversed Rooms!)


Yeah, I checked out both the games and this is beyond scummy... Very sad that some people turn a fun experience into this :(


so i guess they realised that hiding it is no longer viable and acknowledged that they are “inspired” by this game… i wouldn’t call ripping the exact mechanics and level design inspiration though 


We will look into this.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)(-10)

Hey, I would request the authors to not take such actions. Me and my friend worked on this game, and we enter this jam not for the prize but for the fun of participation. We are beginners in game development field and we made this game from top to bottom and put lot of hardwork into it and had fun while making it.

I would also like to point out that we were inspired by @taelsdafoo work and did our best to reshape his idea into the themes of the game jam, we had no intentions to make people furious @Dorkfishie or hurt anyone in any way possible.

And I apologies to the Game jam Authors if we broke the jam rules and regulations. 


"We stole level design just for fun"


Went back to this thread just because, and...

ONE HUNDRED AND ONE DOWNVOTES??? How many people did I piss off?