I know containers are experimental, but I've got three containers and I'd like to give it a go. I've set up a container-like object (and its contents) as follows:
paper_bag: object "a paper bag" container_type="bag";
pickle_sandwich: object "a pickle sandwich" start_at = "paper_bag";
Where do I go from here? How do I specify whether the container is lockable, locked, openable or open (assuming that's possible)? I've tried opening my container, but it just says "Not right now." Are there any tests I can use to test for the above properties, or statements that I can use to set those properties?
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that a scenery object can be a container, so if I've got a wardrobe (for example), I have to make it an object, then I can carry it around. Bummer.
I don't have any surfaces in this game (like tables), but an example of surfaces would also be appreciated.