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Guarded by Trolls

A topic by Garry Francis created Sep 30, 2019 Views: 169 Replies: 4
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I have been poking around to see what other Adventuron games are out there. Quite to my surprise, I discovered that John Wilson (yes, he of Zenobi Software and Pension Productions fame) did his own version of 'The Cave of Magic', but this was not entered in the jam. I haven't played it yet, but I will. If you're interested, you can find it at the Zenobi web site at Guarded by Trolls. While you're there, check out some of his other Adventuron games.

(1 edit)

Well, John was the trailblazer, when it comes to Adventuron... the sole user at one point, making games when the system was in its infancy.

An incomplete (thanks to this jam!) list of Adventuron-powered adventures is here...

At some point I will get around to adding entries for all the new games.


I was going to do that too, but be my guest. I'll add maps and solutions later - after the jam is finished.

It's fairly easy for me to do it as I'm an admin. The pages are up there now. I'll grab the screenshots and upload them later, but Jacob needs to add them to the system.


Yes, John has been an Adventuron developer for longer than anyone else barring myself.

Anyway - a brief history of "Guarded by Trolls".

I had the idea for the cave jam at the end of July,  after recording the original Cave of Magic video and planning to release the source anyway.  I thought it would be fun rather than just releasing the source to  make it the basis of a jam because the biggest problem with any new project is getting started. I thought having working source would make it faster to develop something, even something small.

I spoke to John about it as I knew he was very active recently, and literally 2 days later, he had made "Guarded by Trolls". He made it so fast, I hadn't yet had time to create the boiler plate and rules for the jam yet and so I asked John to hold back releasing it until the jam started and he agreed (I didn't see an ethical problem as it's a public vote and there are no prizes for placement anyway).

At the same time as all this, I was talking to Horsenburger about a pre-halloween jam, seeing if he might like to participate as an author - as well as an artist. I had previously commissioned the spooky adventure art from him last winter, then commissioned more art for Hamburabi, which was basically an experiment in using Adventuron for non text adventure games. He's an absolute legend in teletext art.

Anyway - Steve misunderstood the conversations and decided to support adventuron by announcing his own (twitter only) competition, with the prize being him illustrating the winner of his competition for free (what is now the Play Expo game) - extraordinarily generous.

Given the landscape had changed, I decided to hold back on the cavejam until Horsenburger's competition was over.

At the same time as all this, John, waking up far earlier than I do, and upon seeing Horsenburger's announcement on Twitter, assumed it was the cavejam he had been waiting for and released "Guarded by Trolls" all on its lonesome. 

It's a real shame John wasn't (officially) in this jam, but let's hope he joins the next.