This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-02-04 10:06:40 to 2019-03-24 23:55:00. View results

You are to create a suite of mechanics that can be used in an FPS game: as a digital tool-set for your future use, as well as a demonstration of your technical abilities. Those mechanics are:

  1. The ability to shoot at targets
  2. Implementing a health system
  3. Implement a pause menu and user Interface elements
  4. The ability to move a box onto a shelf
  5. Implement a travel mechanic OR advanced shooting mechanic OR alternative fire

For each mechanic, you will need to:

  • Develop a plan to implement the interaction-based mechanic, using your previous researched games as examples of solutions.
    • Your solution should, with justification, model one of those games’ solutions.
    • As part of the planning stage, you will produce a flow diagram that demonstrates the mechanic you will attempt to implement.
  • Using Unity and Visual studio, you will apply practical skills to develop the mechanic and build an independent level that includes and allows a player to experiment with the mechanic.
  • Combined with all of the other levels, you will produce a single project build and submit the work to


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Browser playable (2)
Windows (5)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)
Android (1)

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