leave your game here ,Ill check out your game and rate it :)
i made this game about a liar adventurer inside a liar game, checking it our would mean so much to me https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476182
Lieception link
Lieception link
You've seen my game already but for anyone else? Here you go!
check out :https://itsnotsimon.itch.io/beyond-eden
Beyond Eden by ItsNotSimon, Ren3 An adventure to a rumoured utopia, with meaningful choices and multiple endings.
Our best one yet, super proud of it: https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477251
Hey !
Checkout https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476641, challenging yet funny, you can it try in browser and windows!
Please rate, this is our first game and first game Jam 馃槉