My game is and I will try to rate anyone who comments on my game. Any type of feedback or rating is appreciated.(:
My game is and I will try to rate anyone who comments on my game. Any type of feedback or rating is appreciated.(:
rated and commented! Nice small game. I hope you enjoy my game as well馃槃
It's a game of following simple instructions". In this short but great game, you must follow simple instructions given to you by your friendly neighbour: Phil. Will you follow his instructions? What happened if you don't? With over 35 ratings, this is an epic and hilarious platformer made for the Community Game Jam in only 7 days. I would love it if you rated and commented on the game's page. That would mean a lot. Thank you and have a nice day!
Rated! I would also appreciate if you rate my game at it would help a lot. There is mine - it is a platformer with disguised obstacles. I will play yours now :)
Played and Rated! I would also appreciate any type of feedback at it would help a lot.
My first game jam, I'll look at your game in a minute)