"Top down racer" is actually a pretty creative genre choice for this jam, honestly, so lemme just start by pointing out that much before I say too much more. Also? Drift warping is kind of a fun idea actually. Much like Street Fighter 2's combos having started as a bug and being expanded on in later works, I'd really like to see you double down more on that in the future if you ever wanna take this game and make a bigger version of it or something (from the sounds of it drift warping started as a bug here?)
Like... I think the final track in particular shows off the potential best currently. It can be pretty fun there actually. (...by the way, is uh... is the behavior when pressing both left and right at once intentional? I think it is given it has a unique sound, but... just making sure.)
Also, honestly, while the physics could use some work, they're a pretty solid start I think. Could maybe use a bit more... weight to it? Like, acceleration and deceleration on the turning or more acceleration on the movement itself or something.
Oh yeah, and the game also is quite enjoyably crusty. While it could've stood to do more with it on the humor front, it does already add a layer of humor that's appreciated as is.
Also? It's appreciated that you can change settings like how many laps there are and stuff like that. Not a lot of gamejam games have the time to implement stuff like that. Or how many playable characters there are, for that matter! Lots of playable characters here, which is a good touch. A decent amount of the humor that currently is in the game comes from how incredibly hilariously crusty the voice lines when hovering over the characters on the stage select is.
Now... I will say, admittedly the track design is a bit... uninteresting, as is. It's not bad, it gets the job done, especially the final level, and I'm glad that if the tracks are gonna be this simple that the game made sure to not overstay its welcome with more tracks than were needed. But, y'know, something to consider working on if you decide to work on this more in the future.
I had fun with this as-is, by the way! But it's one of those games in a jam where there's the potential for an expanded version to be something much more. Drift warping could be refined into something potentially quite fun, the humor could be expanded on to be quite funny, stuff like that.
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