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Happy Frog Games

A member registered May 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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just tried the latest patch, and uh... got a bit sidetracked by how the new toggle climb doesn't seem to require you to actually have the climbing gloves to use, allowing for some very funny speedrun strats that let you skip trading in the duster.

i kinda hope it remains in as a newgame+ mode or something, but it might be worth fixing it for normal play all the same.

oh nice! a sequel that fixes those two things has a lot of potential for a future crust jam, that's something to definitely look forwards to next jam then! also looking forward to that possible post-jam update.

oh, i adore brutally difficult hardcore puzzle games. i'm just bad at them! the tutorial did kinda help as a thing to reference back when i didn't understand a mechanic at all admittedly, so there is that for what it's worth. just uh... yeah, definitely one i'm gonna need to more-so go back and play on my own time after the jam probably.

Amazing title screen with a very good MIDI and very nice, crusty visuals. Pretty silly concept, and though the execution can be a bit janky there's still a lot of fun to be had here. Pretty solid game! Had a good time finishing it.

This game is pretty hard, so I admittedly haven't been able to beat it so far (hit about 10 deaths so far, put the game in the background so I don't have an exact number since it's including those that happened while I had it in the background, ah well), but I actually have had a lot of fun with the patterns here! I'll try to remember to actually finish this later, I'm having a good time with it though.

This is another one I'm playing here that's simple, but as I said last time I played one I mentioned was simple, simple doesn't mean bad! Though, I do admittedly wish this was a bit crustier, it plays pretty well. Not a very original concept though, there was a minigame in New Super Mario Bros. that played pretty similarly... but hey! This still takes that concept and ultimately does it well, and I think puts a few new spins on it too from what I've seen here.

So, y'know, pretty solid overall!

A simple game, but simple doesn't mean bad by any means! The sound cues in this, as the other comment has already mentioned, are actually quite good, taking a simple concept and making it actually quite well designed overall. Also, very crusty.

Quite crusty, quite goofy, not the most involved game but I was amused.

Okay, okay, the ending caught me off guard and got a chuckle out of me. I wasn't honestly fond of the rest of it myself, but eh, the ending made it worth it.

Vury cresty!


The intro cutscene is kinda funny, but the rest of it before the boss is... pretty much just circle strafing around the same enemy type in very slightly increasing quantities on each new floor over and over again while button mashing...? I'd suggest adding a few more enemy types if you ever expand on this, preferably some with increasingly silly concepts. Also, a crosshair would make aiming easier.

Oh! And it is appreciated that you change up the music for the last few floors. Which I reached without taking any damage by the way.

Also, I actually reached the boss without taking a hit. Unfortunately, due to the mashing involved in the game, I was only really able to give the boss one real shot, in the interest of being able to potentially play any more games in the jam before time is up, but it's probably the best part of the game that I saw at least. No idea what the ending is, but I don't think it'd ultimately affect my score much, since most of my issue here is in the core gameplay.

It's... fine, I guess. Kinda.


If you do improve it I'll be curious to see what it's like then more, admittedly. So at least there's that, you do have at least potentially have my attention for a future version of it.


Exactly what it says it is!

This is a pretty fun survival arena shooter game thing! It's not exactly the crustiest game of the jam, nor is it the most creative, but it sure is a very fun one!

Okay, this may be one of the most creative games in the whole jam, and that's kind of saying something. I don't wanna say too much for people who haven't played it, but... yeah.

This is pretty good! Unfortunately I do kinda suck at it. Gonna try to remember to uh... actually, uh... finish it after the jam. Sadly I don't think I'll have time to play the rest before then (I have a lot more games to go and not nearly enough time left for them as is), but I don't think it'll affect my overall rating probably...?

The crustiness of the tutorial is... amazing. Though it did mean I had to learn through trial and error... which probably didn't help with me sucking at the game. But hey! I did have a fun time while being bad at the game, so that's a sign you've accomplished something really good here, heh.

A short and silly game. Crustiness was on point. Ending was good. Not much to say, but I rather liked it!

I don't... really know for sure what to say about this one, honestly.

I uh... I mean, it's neat that it has an original song, and the crustiness is in some capacity there. I guess there's that...? idk, wasn't really feeling this one's gameplay and it's hard to articulate why. just... lots of small things that add up, I suppose.

...okay, the in game music caught me off guard and immediately got a good laugh from me.

After that, the writing was alright enough I had a good enough time with it.

Admittedly it felt like it was trying to bank slightly too much overall on "isn't it weird that it's a dating sim with frogs?", but don't get me wrong, there's charm to the writing other than that, there's some good jokes sometimes, there's a few characters here that are fairly charming. Just, y'know, does hurt the originality score a little I suppose.

That being said, I'm definitely curious about where this may go in the future, consider me to be hopping on board the train to see where this thing goes.

...oh, and some of the text on the options screen and about screen and help screen (the text in white) is really hard to read by the way.

(Also, big surprise given my username: I think frogs are cute animals.)

Well, this is probably the crustiest game of the jam, I can say that much! Pretty amusing game overall, not sure what to really add on this one. Oh! Wait, no, I do know what to add. The boss gave me a good laugh. (...well, I suppose it's not the most original game of the jam, and getting stunlocked by enemies was a tad annoying sometimes...? Ah well, no game is perfect.)

FAIR WARNING TO ANYBODY GOING INTO THIS! This game is actually pretty tough. Your jumps have to be deliberate and precise. Don't rush things like I tried to at first or you may have a bad time. Take it more slowly and get into that mindset properly sooner rather than later, and you may have more fun with this overall.

Okay so, that being said... I actually rather like this game, but it didn't leave a very good first impression.

I don't think the core platforming feels very good at first actually, and the feather duster didn't leave a great first impression either. But... once I got used to it, the feather duster could be pretty fun... and eventually in later parts, so could the core platforming. (Using the feather duster immediately after starting a jump lets you go especially far with it which is fun, by the way.)

And then I got to the house that I was apparently supposed to go to first and got a cutscene that didn't really make sense because I hadn't gone there first, I'd instead accidentally gotten stuck in the hole area first. Whoops. I'll, uh... I guess I'll replay the game up to that part once I'm done with my playthrough at any rate. (Actually given how long this was... maybe I'll try to remember to do that after the jam.)

Anyway the climbing ability actually is just plain pretty neat? Nicely done with that one!

Oh yeah, bonus points as well for having a fairy, imo.

Overall I really did have a lot of fun with this once it started getting going, the platforming with different tools made up for the initial platforming not being as fun. It actually does a pretty solid job of taking ideas and expanding on them and combining them, y'know?

...Admittedly, the game mostly isn't the crustiest it could be, it's lacking that "crusty to the point of being funny" aspect somewhat. Ah well! At least I had a good time.

This game is quite crusty, but admittedly, some of the mechanics (the viruses in particular due to the one hit deaths and incredibly fast speeds, particularly when combined with the game's rather janky mechanics) feel like they actively get in the way of enjoying the various visual gags that are probably on paper the highlight of the game. Also wasn't admittedly the most fond of the inclusion of a jumpscare, even if it was humorous in intent and execution, given the choice of sound was still, well, rather shrill sounding and, frankly, not very crusty either.

A lot of this would admittedly also be less of a problem if not for how fast you have to mash jump to fly fast enough to avoid the viruses. Ultimately, I kind of had to give up on the game in the interest of being able to play other games in the jam. Like... I know I can probably finish the game at this point probably, but to do so would potentially require basically destroying my hand, and after that, I wouldn't really be able to play anything else, so... alas.

Short version: Game was off to a pretty good start, got way too hard for its own good in a way that makes it get physically painful to play and makes it hard to actually enjoy the best aspects of it.

This one is a tricky one to rate, since, as some people have noted, what's already here is quite entertaining, but a major bug prevents the game from being possible to complete.

I had a good time with what's here, the crustiness is good, and the humor is funny, but admittedly what can be accessed does lack a bit of originality. But then the major bug I feel has to factor into this in some way too... dangit. This is tricky to rate!

That being said, I hope you can fix the bugs for a post-jam release that makes the entire game properly playable so people can see what was unfortunately missing in this version, because I know I'm personally curious about it, and I can't be the only one!

oh! that all makes sense. i'll try to remember to do the stage select thing some time, good to know!

Aw dang that sounds like it would've been really fun actually. It's probably worth going for releasing it on its own. I feel like I'd probably give it a go myself if you did, I can say that much.

Also, thank you!

"Top down racer" is actually a pretty creative genre choice for this jam, honestly, so lemme just start by pointing out that much before I say too much more. Also? Drift warping is kind of a fun idea actually. Much like Street Fighter 2's combos having started as a bug and being expanded on in later works, I'd really like to see you double down more on that in the future if you ever wanna take this game and make a bigger version of it or something (from the sounds of it drift warping started as a bug here?)

Like... I think the final track in particular shows off the potential best currently. It can be pretty fun there actually. (...by the way, is uh... is the behavior when pressing both left and right at once intentional? I think it is given it has a unique sound, but... just making sure.)

Also, honestly, while the physics could use some work, they're a pretty solid start I think. Could maybe use a bit more... weight to it? Like, acceleration and deceleration on the turning or more acceleration on the movement itself or something.

Oh yeah, and the game also is quite enjoyably crusty. While it could've stood to do more with it on the humor front, it does already add a layer of humor that's appreciated as is.

Also? It's appreciated that you can change settings like how many laps there are and stuff like that. Not a lot of gamejam games have the time to implement stuff like that. Or how many playable characters there are, for that matter! Lots of playable characters here, which is a good touch. A decent amount of the humor that currently is in the game comes from how incredibly hilariously crusty the voice lines when hovering over the characters on the stage select is.

Now... I will say, admittedly the track design is a bit... uninteresting, as is. It's not bad, it gets the job done, especially the final level, and I'm glad that if the tracks are gonna be this simple that the game made sure to not overstay its welcome with more tracks than were needed. But, y'know, something to consider working on if you decide to work on this more in the future.

I had fun with this as-is, by the way! But it's one of those games in a jam where there's the potential for an expanded version to be something much more. Drift warping could be refined into something potentially quite fun, the humor could be expanded on to be quite funny, stuff like that.

...people, uh, really seem to like this one, huh...?

A small, charming game that I thought was pretty fun, but maybe a bit too short for its own good. Could've also benefitted from some music or something? Very nicely crusty though!

Okay, admittedly I wish the game would let you pick up the dead boxes and throw them because that would've been hilarious and probably gotten this a higher originality score on my end. However, as is... while it could've been slightly crustier (it's fine as is on that front mind you, gets the job done, and a certain explosion especially added to it on that front)... I mean, I had a lot of fun, and it was pretty funny.

The... the ending in particular got me bursting out laughing. (And, yes, I did bother waiting it out the first time to see what'd happen.)

Good job! Actually think this is one of the games in the jam I've liked more overall thus far.

Well... it's crusty, I'll give it that. And, honestly, for being made in about an hour... well, let's just say that despite admittedly not liking the game there's a reason I'm not about to be particularly harsh on it here, because... my goodness. Roughly an hour? That's... that's all it took huh? I have to commend you for being able to make, uh... anything in that short of a time span honestly.

Okay, I had some pretty solid dumb fun with this one, though I think the music is a bit too loud. It could've stood to be a bit crustier, but watching stock enemies get stunned by a png of a lightning bolt was pretty funny, and the game didn't overstay its welcome too much, so the joke lasted when combined with the enemy variety enough to carry the game somewhat?

Not exactly the most creative game, but it entertained me.

And like, yeah, I've played better this jam, sure, but I had a solid enough time here. Nice!



Okay, this one is pretty simple overall, but it got a good laugh out of me. Thanks for the good time!

Oh! Thank you!

Yeah, sounds about right. lol

This is decently fun! Not the most crusty game, but I do like that you can change fire modes at any time. I don't think I tend to see that in asteroids-inspired games, that's actually a pretty neat idea... and the game also lets you move backwards, another thing I don't tend to see in this kind of game, which actually helps make it more fun.

I do think the boss might be slightly too hard, but eh, still, I like this one overall! It's simple but it's pretty fun. Just feels slightly less crusty than it maybe could've stood to be.

Another skeleton game, another to try playing on principle, though admittedly this one isn't getting my attention as immediately as the other one did.

Well, I should start with the positive at least: The game definitely nails crust pretty well for the most part, I didn't really run into any technical issues (which can be pretty impressive in a GameJam, y'know?), and overall, the game doesn't have any glaring "this is terribly designed!" moment, which is good, it can be hard to pull that off.

Also, the third boss was actually pretty decently interesting, and on that note, the ability to jump right into the bosses if you want, and to jump in with whatever stage you want, is actually a really good option that I kind of wish more games of this genre would allow you to do, for a variety of reasons.

Also, the visuals on the bosses are usually pretty goofy, which I like.

And while the music is, for some reason, effectively turned off by default, I feel like it gets the job done well enough even if it's a bit odd.

Unfortunately, I feel like this game is a good demonstration of how shoot 'em ups are easy to make at all, but harder than that to make well. Bullet hells often work best when there's some kind of spectacle going on, whether that's the creativity of the bullet patterns or some other kind of way of wowing the player with something interesting, such as a unique spin on the mechanics or such.

Sadly, this game kind of lacks either of those. Mind you, the design of it on its own is certainly passable, I wouldn't call this bad, but I do think it's maybe a little bit... bland, I think is the right word? The patterns are technically fairly designed, the hitboxes are reasonable, it's just...

I dunno. The pacing in the stage sections is a bit off, there isn't any music being synchronized to so there's no real reason you can't make the game spawn in the next wave when the previous one is destroyed to try to remove the dead air that the game currently has.

The bosses are technically fine, but outside maybe the third one, they're a bit repetitive, y'know? (And yes, I did use focus fire to make the fights faster, it didn't really change that.)

Also, I didn't technically ever beat the final boss because that last phase has a surprisingly large amount of health, but I survived long enough against it to know I could do it if I wasn't honestly starting to get a bit frustrated by a few small design choices with it that I'm not quite sure how to explain but which add up to a fight that's mostly just longer than the other bosses rather than more interesting. (For one, you can cheese the first phase by not using focus and just kind of running half circles left and right around it while holding fire.)

So, not a bad game! But admittedly a bit bland.

The moment I saw this game on the submission list, I knew it had to be the first game I played in the jam. On like, principle. Glad to see I'm not the only enjoyer of crusty skeletons in this jam!

The moment I booted the title screen and was greeted by an honestly quite awesome MIDI, I knew I was gonna be in for a treat with this thing. And then I watched the intro. And it was amazing.

AND THEN. THE FRICKIN'. I don't wanna spoil the thing that happens next. But like, that was amazing and unexpected as a way to build on the crustiness. This thing is. Impressively crusty and also can I say it makes some good MIDI choices?

And then I started moving around and could tell the controls were gonna be... interesting... to get used to.

And then I died. The game over screen I got was... unexpected yet somehow almost not at the same time.

I don't wanna spoil the rest of the experience but I eventually found my way through this game and it was. A ride.

The ending got a pretty good laugh out of me. Most of the jokes did, I think. (Maybe an exception or two, but ah well, that's how comedy is sometimes.)

I really enjoy this! It's not the easiest game out there but I'm fine with that, heh.

Crusty Skelltuns, my entry for Crust Jam 2024, is the latest game in the Skelltuns series (yes, it's a series, I asked and I was allowed to make a sequel for the jam)... now with more crusty-ness than ever before! (Somehow!) As with the other games in the series, you play as a skelltun (misspelling of "skeleton" intentional) and partake in various humorous shenanigans while trying to figure out what the objective of the game ultimately even is.


Rather than make a trailer for just the new game though, I thought I'd do something long overdue and make a trailer for each game in the series... by making a combined trailer for the entire series!

Here's a screenshot of specifically Crusty as well though:

Oh hey! I thought I recognized the name and I checked and sure enough, you're that person who made The Factory! I remember you!

Yeah okay so for this section what you have to do is... essentially, you have to stand right behind the laser-zappy-thing from the top of it, and then the moment it activates, hold right, mash shoot, and mash down. It's pretty hard to do even then, but it is possible.

There's a reason the trailer pokes fun of how hard this level is though, that being said. It's uh... it's pretty clear that I designed the game in less than a day suffice to say, didn't really have time to playtest this part to make sure the difficulty balancing was right.

If I ever do update the game I might tone that part down very slightly by making very specifically those beams take a bit longer to activate than the others or something...? Who knows!

But yeah admittedly part of why I didn't mind too much if it turned out like this was, well, april fools' day game, if it turns out it's too hard for its own good oh well guess that can be a joke in the trailer at that point or something.

Anyway! Thanks for playing!