Hello there, I'm talking for all the team "We need a prog". We assume that bullet points will be more easy to read and to understand.
Let's start with positive aspects:
- The game is artistically coherent: simple but pleasant to watch
- The displacement mechanic (which is not related to the cube rotation) is pretty interesting: Moreover, it's the main challenge of the game, supported by reactive and fluid inputs.
- The game is polished: there's a pause menu (even if the buttons don't work well), highlighting buttons when mouse comes over, a death animation, a good lighting atmosphere (the objectives look different from the player, thanks to the wave animation, and so forth) and the recording of the score, after we close the application.
- The player can play on a keyboard or a controller
- Variety of level design (10 different observed) which means good replayability
Now, let's talk about the negative aspect:
- The game isn't really original. We've seen lots and lots of scoring games which are timed, and we have to catch balls, and so on, and so forth...
- There is some problematic and game breaker bugs: like for example, the score sometimes don't record at the end of a round, and it can ruin an high score.
- This game wants to be competitive, but the random generation of maps (which have unequal difficulty) scews the score. From map to another, the player just suicide in order to find an easier one, to make an highter score.
- Some maps have a complicated level design, which push the player to play more slowly, so it means less points. On the contrary, other maps, with larger spaces are easier. There's a problem because the (high) score doesn't consider the map where the player played.
- There's some lacks of feedback here and there, like when we catch some balls
- There's lacks of signs too: when a ball is about to disappear, or to appear.
- Finally, the color of the ball can be associated with some score stuff (For example, "x2" sign is yellow, like the color of the ball, and it doesn't seem to be relative).
In conclusion, Void is a quite good game, fluid and polish, but with his load of bugs (like in every jam), and a lack of originality (despite an innovative displacement mechanic).
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