This is pretty neat! What are the dividers in the pages supposed to be? Are they supposed to be printed and folded in half like cards? Thanks for your creative work.
Play epistle
acceptable's pageWhat work(s) of philosophy does your piece take as its primary source(s)?
Butor, Michel. Répertoires [I-V].
Please tell us about your piece.
Nests things into things all pretty
this " two" stuff
But yeah like hold two things in your hands or just one each — be the time between them. As much as you can as much as you can (ask|add) as much as you can
*ex. Hold your phone in your hands and turn to the video recorder app and put it on selfie mode and then hold your phone as far away from you as possible and hit record and then in your other hand hold a blank canvas next to you and then turn both you and the blank canvas or the camera and say "this is me "and then hold the canvas as far away from you as possible while still in frame and then add "holding this" and maybe then kind of just be that as much as you can (here: want) see held or hold or be (specifically: held)*
What other sources have you used in your piece?
http://no other sources
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