Feel free to share resources, things you found interesting, events here that are games-related.
Here are some to start off:
- Imirt.ie - Not-for-profit org representing Irish games industry (especially indies)
- Next workshop: Workshop: Design Sprints for Game Design with Rosa Carbó-Mascarell
- Details: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/imirt-workshop-design-sprints-for-game-design-with-rosa-carbo-mascarell-tickets-186992488567
- The Games Co-op - Monthly meetup group (free)
- Next event: The Games Co-Op: I Am The One Who Knockstober on Wed Oct 13 (online)
- Galway 1GAM - Monhtly meetup group (free)
- Next event: Tue Nov 2 (online)
- https://www.meetup.com/1GAM-Galway/events/zjvcvryccpbdb/
- GameDevelopers.ie - Irish game industry news, jobs, events
And a personal plug for group I look after
- GameCraft - We run in-person game jams around Ireland (mainly Dublin), we will be back hopefully in 2022.