After the submission period ends, a voting period will ensue until the Next Month’s iteration of the Jam begins. Voting is open to the public, so anyone with an account can vote.
Voting is meant to give the creators opinions about their work, not to be solely used as a ranking system.
The Voting Criteria are:
Engagement - Immersion, Intrigue, Story and Retention. How well did the game draw you in and make you feel like you wanted to keep playing? Was there a narrative element that you found compelling?
Presentation - Audio,Visual Aspects. How well executed and fitting you believe the sensory aspects of this game to be. Please note that many styles of art and music are intentionally simpler, so don’t think, “Rate Pixel Art game low, Rate Unreal Engine game High”, think more in terms of how the sensory aspects appealed to you.
Cozy / Disturbing - Two separate ratings based on how comforting or direstressing you found this entry to be. These ratings exist as a separate pair since you can in fact, experience both to varying degrees in the same game.
D A R K Serenity - How close do you believe this game comes to the core idea of what this Jam is about. Comforting, Serene, Dark, Nothingness. This Rating will be used to gauge how the community personally interprets the meaning of the Jam. Games that score highly in this category will become the examples in the next Jam, and contribute to the evolution of the Jam’s criteria and description.
L O V E - How much you liked the game overall. This criteria is entirely subjective, be honest about how you personally felt about the experience. LOVE is the only vote that will actually be used for Ranking Order, as my personal belief is that a good game is simply, a game that people love playing.