So obviously you can't work on the same project on another day, but are you allowed to work on different projects on each day? Or are you maybe even allowed to work on multiple projects on one day?
Thanks in advance :)
You can work on multiple projects, but I think it would be much better if you just did one, as it would get more attention. A game that is finished by 5.5/6 of the time it should be is going to be a lot worse than a game made with 6/6. Also, if you do, the next devs will be less inclined to choose it.
Oh! Were you wondering if you can create a game from scratch on the other days as well? The answer, is no. You can only work on other peoples games in the later days. You can create as many games as you want in the first day, but you must work on another person's game on any other day. If you were wondering if we can work on multiple people's games in one day, I would say not, as they will be expecting you to dedicate time to their game.