I chanced upon this TTRPG while looking through the Mega Bundle, and it just feels like this game was made for me as a fan of sci-fi, TTRPGS and a Filipino living in the US who has complicated feelings for home.
You witness the unseen threads of injustice, you see an evil that has no face except for every face—including yours. You see an evil that feels eternal, speaks as eternal, yet demonstrably is not. You see the Divine. You see the bones it...
" Attack And Dethrone God ," is often attributed to the Weather Underground Organization's manifesto. Despite the fact that the manifesto didn't include such a statement. But what if you could find God, rough them up and steal their throne...
(All ten entries I produced for Troika! Pamphlet Adventure Jam are now available in a single convenient zipped download here !) Everyone knows the atheist-cultists. In a world where the gods are large and loud and hand out miracles like can...
#INCITE is a micro-rpg that examines when demonstrations incite confrontation. The game is designed as a zero-prep one shot tabletop RPG experience lasting around 1-2 hours. Character creation takes less than a minute and a robust meta-stru...