So I kinda forgot to make any Devlog since 1st of October.
The goal of the game is mainly to sneak around and kill enemies. You can go into a frontal combat but its way better to be tactical. The red light indicates the AI detection area. They patrol around and after some delay shot the player. Made everything by hand but the Ai sprite ( bought it a few weeks ago ) but if I have time I will customize them.
The original story was that the player is a cat mom living around 42nd street in New York in the 70s much like the series The Deuce, until one day animal villains took her kid so she had to take action to her own hand and go back to her ninja ways. I want the gameplay to be a mix of Ninja Gaiden and Door Kickers Action Squad.
Started to work on the whole thing around the 5th - 7th of October. Since than I almost finished the player control and enemy control. Still have a bunch of coding and art to do. Want to make a bigger map, this one is for testing out everything. Also the life system is mostly done, and some really basic menu system. Thanks for checking out.