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2 games?

A topic by jacobsmith3204 created May 02, 2020 Views: 177 Replies: 3
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hey, so ive been working on a game for the past 4 days for this jam but i did have another one i made for a different jam that could also fit the theme and i was wondering if i could also submit it so you could have another great game to play.
it was made under a similar time limit so its it would be representitive of the quality of game that someone could make during a game jam.

Jam HostSubmitted

it is definitely ok to submit more than one game, but we would like to kindly ask you to only upload games made specifically for this jam.


ok that cool the one ive been doing is pretty amazing. 


so i thought i might leave a link to the game i made for this

 and the one i wanted to add but couldnt cause it was for another game jam