I got a problem now.
Some hours ago, an itch admin threw baseless accusations at me, took away my capability to submit anything to future game jams and he deleted every submission of any game jam I joined..
Including this here and one other. I really would like to join this bundle. But now this happened. I tried to talk with the guy, but he told me I needed to speak with the customer service. I do not know how that will go down. ..
But now, due to that mod deleting all my jam submissions, I got a problem and I need your help. I talked with the other bundle jam I currently participated in. They told me that I can make a forum post listing everything I had submitted. And they told me that they would add that to the bundle when they will compile the bundle.
Would this be possible here, too? Sorry for the blunt question. I do not know what I can do else. I am panicked. I really would like to participate in that bundle here.. yikes.