The theme for the event is: MAGNET 🧲🍤 今回のテーマはマグネット (磁石) です!
Here are some definitions from
- An object that is surrounded by a magnetic field and that has the property, either natural or induced, of attracting iron or steel.
- An electromagnet.
- A person, a place, an object, or a situation that exerts attraction: a village that is a magnet for tourists.
You could make an action game where the player or the environment has a magnetic effect, a puzzle game with magnetic pieces, or anything you want. Feel free to use these ideas as a starting point or go off in a totally different direction, you don’t even need to interpret it literally, what if magnet was really an abbreviation for… Magnificent Net? 😉 So get creative!
Thank you to everyone who submitted theme ideas!
Good luck, and have fun!