When I was young, I daydreamed about grand battles between humans and wild animals. It never felt strange that I was always on the side of the animals. (Speed-IF made in 4 hours for Ectocomp 2024.)
Version 1.2.2. Recently updated: regression to immediate EYE caused by fixing namespace collision, fixed wrong hint value for bonus point in south room, general flavor text tweaks
Perform the ritual or suffer the curse. This game was written in four hours for ECTOCOMP 2024 's La Petite Mort category. writing: 2 hours 56 minutes coding: 45 minutes editing: 17 minutes Content warning: death of an acquaintance; ancient...
It's Halloween night, and an adventure you never expected to experience is about to happen... Your math teacher has given an unusual assignment for the holiday - give him a piece of candy, or do an enormous number of math problems! Unfortun...
Dare you enter Jumpscare Manor? (Warning: contains jumpscares.) Written in considerably less than four hours as part of Ectocomp 2024 's La Petite Mort category.
You sit down to play a little game and discover that something loves you. Has loved you forever. Will love you forever. A conversational game written in 4 hours for the Petite Mort section of Ectocomp 2024. Four hours is not much time, so p...
A road diverges on a snowy night, leading you to a dying woman with buried sins and and haunted secrets. About 20 minutes play time. Puzzle-free. Content warnings: Violence, death, murder, sexual content
Your father's had enough of your insolence... and you've had enough of his abuse. A short, interactive horror story. Play the traditional way by typing commands to progress, or enable story mode and simply watch the tale unfold! Content war...
A short haunted house jaunt, made in 4 hours for La Petite Mort in ECTOCOMP '24. A parser interactive fiction game made in Inform 7. Can be played online here , or downloaded and played with an Z-code interpreter.
You thought it would be really cool to drag that old coffin up from the cellar to use as the centrepiece for your Hallowe'en decorations... but that was a terrible idea, as now you've accidentally released the ghosts of your ancestors! You'...
Aventura presentada a Le Grand Guignol de ECTOCOMP 2024. Actualizaciones: 2024-11-03: errata, arreglo en acción de objeto. 2024-11-02: corrección de un texto, espaciado de párrafos.