Hi, welcome to our WIP topic.
The crew: Titouan LEFROU; Alexis MARCHAND; Bastien BODINEAU; Laurine ORIARD
1st update, looking for some ref' and starting the blockout on unity, we've also made some sketch of our characters and props.
ok !
Thanks :)
Last update for today
New update
Thanks for the update, we seems to get a Puzzlegame here ^^
Little update, most of the props are done and are being animated
Thanks for your update ^^
Here is the actual look of the game, working on some particles
Be brave for the longest night! thanks for your update!
Thank You!
Tryharding the prog', the UI is done
Not in English? ;)
English patch coming soon!
New update, still working on the prog', and the integration of UI and transitions
Ready for the final stretch!
Final post, the game is like we imagined it, it was a cool experience for all the team! final stage