Hi ! Team Genuine Moths here ! Made up of Halleur Alicia and Bidault Sarah, ready for the Game Jam !
First Update
After defining our idea, we started to create the mechanics on Unity and making the first Assets
Here you can see some part of our thinking process, as well as some of our progress
Genuine Moths
on the rails ! nice ^^
Second Update !
Here's little snippet of what we're doing (we are going to sleep so there's might be less update in the meantime)
Third Update
We are slowly putint the level together but it's going well !
Along the rails ^^
Fourth Update !
Follow us onto our journey on the rails !
By car! Or rather by minecart ^^
Fifth Update
Not so much has changed in the appareance but we're currently working on our sounds (while trying to make a music by ourselves for the fiirst time). There's some bug in our code, but we're doing our best !
Genuine Moth
Our game is finally finished !