1) No insults, slurs, or discrimination of any form.
2) No spamming, begging, or trolling (this includes excessive CAPS).
3) No NSFW content, or anything bordering on it; if you wouldn't show it to your parents or children, don't post it here.
4) Profanity is allowed in moderation, so long as it isn't targeted at anyone else.
5) No discussions of piracy you've participated in, or requests for help with piracy.
6) Try to stick to the topic of the discussion.
7) No personal attacks or insults. If you think someone's project is bad, either give constructive criticism or don't say anything. Instead of "that's stupid," say "I don't think that's a good idea and here's a way that I think would improve it."
8) Just because something isn't explicitly spelled out in the rules doesn't mean it's not a rule. Moderator discretion always applies, and you can and will be banned if you push the line. This game jam is meant to be a fun experience for everyone involved, and anyone attempting to ruin the experience for others will not be given the opportunity.