This game is clearly in very early development; I see potential.
I appreciate that each level has its own unique appearance and background music. (The background music sounds good; unfortunately, it cuts off after only a few seconds into the level.) The new type of enemy added with each subsequent level is a nice challenge progression, but I found some things about the levels confusing. Due to the difference in appearance between the fully rendered 3-D zombies and the tiny red sprites, it took me a few sudden deaths before I realized that the tiny red sprites are also enemies. Another thing I was never able to get past was that after I killed all the enemies, I was teleported to a different part of the level, sometimes I couldn't move, and I soon lost without knowing what was happening. Sometimes I could see a floating box with a glowing square on it; other times I had no idea what hit me. Was this some sort of boss enemy? Perhaps more is needed to help orient the player.
I experienced several issues with the user interface:
- When I start moving around in the 3-D world after having been in a menu, I can't use my mouse to turn until I've clicked at least once.
- I also have a mouse issue inside menus: the first click doesn't seem to do anything. Both this and the problem above seem to be a matter of screen state changes interrupting mouse capture.
- Minor nitpick, but I felt like the distance I needed to be to a door in order to open it was unnecessarily close.
- Several menu items are misspelled. Please let me know if you'd like detailed corrections; with a bit of time, I can provide them.
If you'd like help with English proofreading or further usability testing, please let me know. I'd be happy to help.
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