Cool game! Pretty fun concept, fantastic sound design overall. Very satisfying gameplay. It was pretty easy, I got a gold medal on all the levels I tried first try, but this is a prototype so I assume it'd get harder. Still a fun little game though!
Here are some issues I found:
1. In the shop "E" and "X" aren't used to confirm even though that's how you select levels. Took me a second to figure out it was enter. Just a bit odd.
2. In the level "This is Lapped" I couldn't find the second checkpoint for a couple seconds, maybe an arrow indicating where to go or something there? Could just be me though. I did notice that there was an arrow pointing up about halfway through the course and was a bit confused as to what it meant, but I saw the next checkpoint so it didn't throw me off, I just didn't know what it was for. Also it feels like you're given a bit too much time for this (and honestly the other levels too probably, but it was more noticeable here given that you had to lap like 5 times in the time period rather than just finish in the given time) especially since I got lost at the beginning but still got a gold medal with like 30 seconds left at the end. It also felt weird that it was "Score this many points" by going through checkpoints instead of just going through a certain amount of laps. I don't know if there is a specific reason for that, if there is I didn't get it so maybe try communicating that a bit better, and if not, maybe change it to just 4 laps or whatever.
3. Levels are different colors in the overworld I assume to say what kind of level they are, but don't change or anything to indicate they've been completed except when you're actually hovering over them. Maybe add some indicator to show if they've been completed (maybe by showing which medal you have floating over it or a second ring of the color of the medal you've gotten, or whatever)
4. Some of the UI is broken/confusing. The timer gets overlapped by the level complete message that pops up upon beating the level, and there were a couple levels where I couldn't figure out initially how well I had done because I couldn't find the timer since it was being covered up by that and I didn't see any indication of which medal I got. I eventually saw that in the overworld it shows your time/points for the level, but still doesn't actually say which medal you have. It's easy enough to figure out, but it takes a second whereas just displaying that would be a lot better. Especially right at the level complete screen instead of having you try to figure it out yourself. Also, there are two bars at the bottom that I have no idea what they do. There's a red one and a yellow one, and I've noticed them sometimes going down and up I think but I have no idea why. EDIT: I played the rewind level and figured out the yellow bar. It never actually said how to rewind, but I figured it out almost instantly.
5. I don't think most people will figure out the rewind instantly and it should be stated to them somehow.
6. The bowling pin level was really cool in concept, but it just felt a bit awkward to me. It was the only level I didn't do well on. This could very well be a personal thing to me though so take this one with a grain of salt.
Overall super cool concept though! The name makes me think of pokemon haha but that's fine. I really liked the level "Checkpoint Chase" as I thought it was cool that you could see the future checkpoints but the next checkpoint was clearly marked as the next checkpoint so I never struggled to figure out which way I was supposed to go. I also liked that the last checkpoint was purple to indicate the end. Why are the other level's final checkpoints not purple? (or did I just not notice until here haha). I definitely like the concept but it is very easy and has some polishing needing to be done. I never figured out what the red bar did so communicating things more clearly would be a good idea, but this is a really good prototype! Nice job!
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