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Chance of not being able to participate

A topic by Anonymous created Dec 27, 2020 Views: 162 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 3

By joining this Game Jam, Do we have to turn in a game?


I'm pretty sure you can submit non game entries, you can check the rules. The second one says: 

  • In fact, your project doesn't even need to be a game. Tools, screensavers and printable board games are all welcome

No I mean, What if we don't turn in anything


Its completely fine if you don't submit for any reason, you aren't being forced to submit. Some ranked game jams only allow those who submitted to rate other peoples games , although I'm not sure if its that is the case for this jam. Hope this helps clear things.

ok thanks! :)

Host (1 edit) (+1)

If you join the jam but don't have anything to submit that's fine. You'll still be able to view and play games, as wellbas post comments, you just won't be able to rate them.  Last jam we had over 860 people join but only around 280 games were submitted 

got it :D