Our game has been submitted!
I hope this isn't in poor taste, but I wanted to shout out my collaborators:
• First and Foremost, Joe did the heavy lifting with our game. (https://indiegameclinic.itch.io)
• Meredosia aka PJ Bebi aka Super Famicom has been my friend for about twenty (!) years & it's such a delight and honour to finally work on a game with them. (https://meredosia.itch.io/)
• Last but NOT least: Our PIXEL ARTISTS! We ended up with quite the cadre here on the Blue Rose Taskforce. Please check them out!
Thatjoshoverthere (https://thatjoshoverthere.itch.io), Dani N. (https://spiraledout.itch.io), Blaurs (Franc Blackmur) (https://blaurs-fb.itch.io), Chef Dan (https://chef-dan.itch.io), Pizzadog, and Pixelteriyaki