Focus: Animation and/or Music/Sound
Optional Themes: Layered and/or 8 or 16 - bit
The last focus and theme will be announced Thursday!
Remember if we "require" anything we'd like to see sticking to 1 of the 2 chosen Focuses, just as a means to motivate you to work on something you might not be good at. If you're good at both, pick your own!
Here are some useful animation tutorial sources:
Bosca Ceoil
Unity Audio:
If you have very limited resources for sound you can record random stuff on a phone, send it to your computer and mess with it on Audacity to make weird stuff. Here is a good video for some general inspiration:
Mortal Kombat X Sound Effects Special Bonus Video:
If you have any other sources for good animation tips or tutorials, or maybe your own tips; or you have some layered ideas you're willing to share, then let us know!