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Nobile Press updated a ttrpg 317 days ago
A downloadable ttrpg.
Updated minimum price to $15.00. Updated page content.
Lucky Newt Games published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Recommended : 2 players or 2 teams; age 5+ Materials : You need the Roll Tables and 47 six-sided dice (47d6). Optional : Instead of just any 47d6, 20d6 of one color, 20d6 of a second color, and 7d6 of a third color. If you have trouble gett...
Narrative Alchemy published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
A great rabbi once said the gates of prayer are sometimes open, and other times they are closed. But who guards those gates? In this game, you’ll portray someone who processes requests for a god or other mythic figure. (Gods are busy. Tha...
A downloadable game.
Updated minimum price to $0.00. Updated page content.
A downloadable game.
Every year, the animal spirits of the world’s forests such as Lion, Snake and Hippo all gather in a neutral location to eat, drink, and tell stories. The traditional place is a campfire or a cave, but a tavern or a restaurant might work i...
A downloadable game.
Cerebral Cortex Speed-Dating takes place inside the mind of Alex, a twelve-year-old youth who is searching for a role model. It’s designed to help figure out some of what’s important to you (and the other players) while having fun. Play...
A downloadable game.
Mount Olympus, Summer Solstice, high noon. It’s time for this decade’s meeting of the board in charge of Earthly business. As expected, some gods and goddesses have shown up, and most had more important things to do. Athena is determine...
A downloadable game.
Deep in the forests of Russia lies a place that is not a place, the hut of “the little grandmother,” Baba Yaga, witch of all witches. As much a dark goddess as a force of nature, Baba Yaga (emphasis on the “ga”) might initiate a per...
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